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Renew An Ad
To renew an existing ad you have posted to the system, you must be logged into the site. Click the "my classifieds" navigational menu. If you have already logged in, you will be presented with a list of options. Select the option to Renew, Edit or Delete Ads.

After selecting this option, a list of current ads you have posted will be shown. To view an ad's detail, simply click on the link which is the Headline of your ad. This will show you all ad details and allow you to verify that this ad is the one you wish to renew.

To renew a specific ad, simply press the "Renew" link located beside the ad. You will be presented with a screen asking to select the length of time to renew your selected ad. Make your selection accordingly and press the "Next" button. You will then be returned to the ad maintenance area and the new expiration date will take affect immediately.

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